Author: admin
The Benefits of Writing a Book About Your Area of Expertise
We live in a highly competitive and knowledge-driven era, and simply knowing your field and/or your industry better than others won’t be enough to truly set you apart. Writing a book about your zone of genius, though, can be a game changer. Writing a book about your area of expertise is not just for academics…
5 Reasons Why Hiring a Professional Editor Is the Write Way to Go
Congratulations! You completed writing your book. Putting the final period on your manuscript is absolutely something to celebrate. Have you hired an editor? Before you rush into publishing to start using your book to market your products and/or services or as your lead magnet for speaking engagements, be sure you engage a professional editor. There…
How Editing Protects Your Brand Reputation
What if I told you that copy errors hurt your bottom line? If you want to be taken seriously, if you want people to trust that you are a subject matter expert in your industry, if you want people to pay you for your products and services, you can’t show up online with content that looks…