Pens and Proof

How to Find the Time to Write A(nother) Book Before the Holidays

You have years of experience in your field and industry and a list of dozens of talks, webinars, and presentations on your resume. As a result, you already have plenty of content and know-how. And you know you should write a(nother) book to further cement your subject matter expertise and reach more people, but like […]

Nonfiction Is Built on the Pillars of Consistency & Congruency

When you sit down to write your book — no matter if you start from scratch or use content you already have — you need the pillars of consistency and congruency as your foundation to take readers on a journey with a definitive beginning, middle, and end. Creating this solid structure for your story is […]

The Power of Three: The Elements of Every Great Story

Every great story shares a not-so-magic formula that deeply connects with its audience. A definitive sense of time and place, character development, and a conflict with resolution are three powerful and critical components of bestselling novels, riveting films, and unforgettable keynote speeches. Let’s talk about the elements of every great story: Establishing Time and Place […]

The Benefits of Writing a Book About Your Area of Expertise

We live in a highly competitive and knowledge-driven era, and simply knowing your field and/or your industry better than others won’t be enough to truly set you apart. Writing a book about your zone of genius, though, can be a game changer. Writing a book about your area of expertise is not just for academics […]