Pens and Proof

Leverage Storytelling to Land Your Next Job

storytelling, job application, job interview

If you aren’t experiencing the growth opportunities you’d like at your current employer, you may need to start looking elsewhere. Unfortunately, the job market right now (June 2024) is crazy competitive, and you need to stand out from the crowd. How competitive? According the federal Bureau of Labor Statistics, there are roughly double the number […]

5 Tips for Driving Business Growth with Storytelling

storytelling, brand story

The cost to attract new customers can be five times that to retain current clients. At the same time, retaining customers can increase profits by 25 to 95%, according to Outbound Engine. Yes. You read those figures correctly. One powerful tool you might use sometimes but not consistently is storytelling. Compelling narratives create deeper connections […]

Harness the power of personal storytelling to build a strong personal brand

Whether you have an online business or a brick-and-mortar location, you need more than a great product or service. Customers want to connect with the person behind the brand. They want to know your story, your values, and what makes you different. This is where personal storytelling comes into play. By sharing yourself through stories, […]