Pens and Proof

Leverage Storytelling to Land Your Next Job

storytelling, job application, job interview

If you aren’t experiencing the growth opportunities you’d like at your current employer, you may need to start looking elsewhere. Unfortunately, the job market right now (June 2024) is crazy competitive, and you need to stand out from the crowd. How competitive? According the federal Bureau of Labor Statistics, there are roughly double the number […]

Why Employees Need Storytelling for Personal Branding

storytelling, personal brand, career advancement, corporate ladder

In the competitive landscape of corporate America, having a strong personal brand can make or break your career. While we often think of a personal brand as more appropriate for entrepreneurs or public figures, it is a critical component for employees at all levels who want to stand out, advance their careers, and make a […]

Nonprofit Storytelling: Connect with Beneficiaries and Donors


Your nonprofit organization faces a unique challenge: you must communicate effectively with both the people you serve and the donors who make it all possible. Each audience is critical for the success of your nonprofit organization but have different needs and perspectives. Stories can bridge the gap by creating deeper understanding and connection. The Unique […]

From Backyard to Book: The Power of Planning

Creating a beautiful patio and garden space in my backyard was incredibly rewarding, not just for the transformation of my outdoor area, but for how it reminded me about the importance of planning, execution, and the importance of community. As someone with ADHD, I often find myself hyperfocused on an activity or topic that isn’t […]

Why 3 Sets of Eyes are Better Than One

Tajah Ware and Tayler Otten join Pens & Proof as copy editors.

I’m so excited! I am beyond proud to announce the addition of two new copy editors to our team. The addition of Tajah Ware and Tayler Otten offers myriad benefits to our editing and ghostwriting clients. Higher Degree of Quality and Precision Having Ware and Otten as part of the Pens & Proof team means […]

No Time to Write Your Book? Interview-Style Ghostwriting Could Be the Answer

Interview-style ghostwriting helps entrepreneurs and business owners publish their book without writing it themselves.

You know you need to write a book. You can’t get it out of your head, but you don’t know where to start, or how to market and sell your book when it is published. Time, however, remains a challenge because your schedule is always jam-packed. Interview-style ghostwriting could be the answer. What is interview-style […]

The Role of AI in Writing Your Book

I think we need to acknowledge the growing role AI plays in publishing.  For the record, I do not believe AI should be used to write your book, children’s books, or any book, really. Books are critical to our development as humans. They introduce us to people, take us to places, and teach us things […]

6 Steps to Earning 6 Figures with Your Book

Writing a book can be one of the more lucrative ventures you absolutely should undertake. You have the opportunity to turn your expertise and experience into  substantial income. If you are an entrepreneur, there really is no downside to writing a book about your zone of genius. Writing Writing your book doesn’t start with writing your […]

Storytelling Changes the Game

For micro businesses (fewer than 10 employees) and solopreneurs, we sometimes find ourselves on the struggle bus to stand out. What if I told you there’s a way to connect to your customers on a deeper level to increase traffic and sales, and it costs almost nothing?  The ancient art of storytelling remains the most […]

How to Overcome the Top 10 Challenges to Writing Your Book

Writing your book is a big deal. Like, for real. And you may encounter obstacles that threaten to derail your progress or stifle your creativity altogether. Let’s talk about the top 10 challenges that arise and how to overcome them. 1. Time Constraints: You are busy with your business or corporate role plus family and […]